Letter of thanks.
Letter of thanks from our German Brethren who visited us recently.
Lodge 60 Installation
On Friday 16th November why not come along and support the RWM Stevie Archibald along with members of the lodge and witness the...
Lodge Canmore No 1175 German Delegation.
On the 8th of November we are receiving a delegation of German Brethren accompanied by Brethren of lodge Canmore No. 1175 to witness the...
Next Regular Meeting 11/10/18 2nd Degree (with Candidate)
2nd Degree with Candidate, all qualified brethren will be made most welcome. Tyle 1930hrs
New Season
Well the new season will shortly be upon us, and on the 13th of September we will reconvene to carry out a 1st degree. The lodge will...
Lodge Refurbishment.
During our summer recess we are carrying out some essential maintenance as well as some exciting new upgrades. We have recently upgraded...

Lodge Kajaki 1848 Consecration
Brethren from the province of Fife and Kinross were in attendance at the consecration of the new Lodge Kajaki 1848 a fitting tribute to...