6 lodge Meeting 29th March 2018
Last night we welcomed the 5 other lodges who meet on the same night as ourselves. The degree team worked an excellent 2nd degree and...
6 Lodge meeting tonight! 29th March 2018
There will be a special 6 lodge meeting tonight with the 5 other lodges that meet on the same night as ourselves, will be meeting at St...
Saturday Afternoon Takeaway.
Excellent afternoon on the 24th March 2018, with much fun hd by all, before having a meal together at the Gulshan.

Rosslyn Chapel Visit
On 26th May 2018 we will be visiting Rosslyn Chapel. This will be a visit for members and their families to attend, with a small mini bus...
Saturday Afternoon Takeaway.
On Saturday 24th March at 1600hrs, we are having a lodge social event for members and their wives/partners We are getting together to...

An insight into scottish freemasonry
BBC 2 Tonight at 21:00hrs "Secrets of the masons"
Scottish Night
On the 10th March Inverkeithing Concern For The Aged (ICFTA) held a fundraising night. The event was a great sucess and much fun was had...

Next Regular Meeting
On 22nd March we will be holding a 2nd Degree with a substitute candidate. Tyle time 1930hrs all qualified brethren will be made most...

New Website
Brethren, we are working on a new website and over the coming weeks we will be adding new content and information to keep you all...